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  • Tags: Egypt

Also known as Amos, Maurice Also known as Amos, Percy Maurice Maclardie Sheldon


Vilma Glucklich telegrams Chamberlin using Addams's name to protest British reprisals in Egypt that threaten world peace.

Addams apologizes for missing seeing Landsberg before her departure and offers news of her trip.

Addams asks Evans to withdraw a cable that Vilma Glücklich sent to Austin Chamberlain in her name because of the wording of the protest.

Addams writes Abbot about her stay in upper Egypt and sends some books home.

Addams writes Coman about her travels in Egypt.

Addams writes Haldeman about her travels in Egypt.

Also known as Salah ad-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub, An-Nasir (1137-1193)


Also known as Vilma Glücklich to Jane Addams, December 11, 1920

Glücklich asks peace organizations to wire Austen Chamberlain to protest British imperialism in Egypt.

Glücklich telegrams Addams that she has cabled Austen Chamberlain in Addams's name to protest British reprisals in Egypt.