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  • Mentions: Government of the United Kingdom

The League meets to discuss its efforts to assist the League of Nations Assembly.

An issue of the journal that discuses attacks on Jane Addams and Hull-House.

Clark tells Detzer about the role the United States' Section of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom can play on the disarmament issue.

The Guardian discusses a delegation of English to the United States hoping to stir support for the miner's strike.

Hankey describes the plight of coal miners in England.

Addams spoke at the Young People's Sunday Evening gathering about her tour of conditions in India, China and Japan.

A letter to the editor that describes the anti-British content of the "Hymn of Hate," recently published in Peyam Sabah in Angora.

A report on Dulles's and Culbertson's speeches at the Conference on the Cause and Cure of War lays economics to be the main cause of war.

Dulles explores the implications of the World War I reparations on the world's economy. The speech was initially delivered at the League of Free Nations Association on March 12, 1931 in New York and then published in the New Republic.

Misař asks Addams for help to pressure England to stop the oppression going on in Hungary.

Addams tells Kohn about her recent travels and asks about things at Hull-House.

The Association's news bulletin discusses revolution in Mexico, war debts in Germany, the organization of a national student forum, and a treaty between Germany and Poland, resolutions for international peace from the convention of the National League of Women Voters, and limiting the manufacturing of opium.

Also known as Emily Greene Balch to the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Officers, May 1922

Balch alerts the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom officers about the situation in Greece, Turkey, and Armenia, and presents proposals for action by Sections.

Apcar tells Addams about the persecution of Armenian and Assyrian Christians perpetrated by the British and French.

Balch asks the New York Times to support efforts to have the United States postpone Austrian war debts until the country is back on its feet.

Marshall argues that disarmament will reduce military spending and urges delegates to the Washington Conference to work towards peace

Brown testifies on behalf of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section for a dramatic reduction in American military spending and and for universal disarmament.

Barnett tells Addams that she will try to meet with her when she lands in England in June and wants to talk about the Ireland situation.

Bryce gives McDonald his opinion of the Harding administration's cabinet members and the ambassadors to England.

Craigie tells Wood that the British Government will not participate in the work of the American Commission on Conditions in Ireland.

Addams opens the 1924 International of Women, welcoming delegates and remarking on the situation in the United States.

Addams opens the 1924 International of Women, welcoming delegates and remarking on the situation in the United States.

The Chicago branch of the Woman's Peace Party suggests that pacifists work on food conservation, child welfare, better conditions for soldiers, a defense of civil rights and plans for financing the war.

The authors report on a fact-finding trip organized by the Women's International League to report on condition in Ireland during its war of independence.