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  • Subject is exactly "peace movement, women and"

Addams argues that international organizations of women will avert future wars.

Addams argues that women can organize to prevent wars.

Addams discusses the impact of internationalism on women's lives.

Addams and Bacon discuss Marianna Haenisch and her charitable work in Vienna and appeal to American women to help Austrian women.

Addams gives a statement about the role of education in Germany in fostering war and peace.

Addams writes Hull about the relationship between the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section and the National Council of Woman and other women's groups.

Balch tells Mead about her meeting with the American Defense Society and discusses the divide between left and right positions within the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

Balch discusses the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's stand on the need for women on the League of Nations' Mandates Commission in order to protect the interests of women.

Marshall tells Glücklich about efforts to hold an international women's congress in collaboration with other women's groups and discusses the possibility of having a peace delegation meet with Mussolini and the Pope.

The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Swedish Section calls on women to use their influence for world peace.
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Amy Woods writes to Jane Addams asking her advice on how the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom should gain finances for the December 7th Hague Conference of 1922

Also known as Catherine Elizabeth Marshall to Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Executive Committee, October 9, 1922

Marshall proposes a detailed policy for the operation of the Hague Conference.

Muprhy details the American peace tour of Annot Robinson, Gertrud Baer, and Thérèse Pottecher-Arnould.

Eberman asks Addams to help support the campaign for a World Flag.

Marshall advises Matsch on the composition of Austria's delegation to the League of Nations.

Palmer encourages Addams to support a Crusade for the Daily Life of Good Will.

Hobhouse tells Balch her impressions of the likelihood of building a pacifist movement in Italy.

Urie tells Balch that the peace movement in Italy is foundering.

Balch sends Addams the text of Lili Jannasch's letter that describes the German women's struggle against Pan-Germanism and seeks help from Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

Balch sends Addams a translation of a peace appeal to be published in Frankfort and hopefully in other cities.

Balch writes to Villard questioning the need for a new international peace organization for women.

Hamilton-Gordon invites Addams to lead the Peace and Arbitration Committee of the International Council of Women and discusses collaboration.

Cothren asks Addams for some text on the recent Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Executive Board meeting for use in an appeal for international members. She also discusses the Woman's Peace Party.

Spencer updates Addams on staffing changes at the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section and on Fanny Villard's plan to create another women's peace organization.