8 results

  • Subject is exactly "mortality, infant and child"

The League of Nations describes the work of Geneva in the committees of Traffic in Women and Child Welfare.

Shapleigh describes the poor condition of medicine in China and the need for western assistance.

Rude asks Addams to testify for the Sheppard-Towner Maternity and Infancy Bill to be discussed at Congress.

Haldeman updates Addams on her recent miscarriage due to the extra work she has taken on, her adoption of Josephine, and updates on her friends and family.

Lathrop writes Addams asking for a recommendation for someone to travel to New Bedford, MA to look into what is being done with regards to infant mortality.

A questionnaire to collect information about newborns and their families in order for the United States Children's Bureau to investigate infant mortality.

Lathrop requests Addams' advice on a Children's Bureau survey on infant mortality, and she asks for Addams' feedback.

Knipp asks Addams for a copy of her address on infant mortality to use at a meeting.