26 results

  • Subject is exactly "Addams, Jane, reputation"

Converse gives Addams a copy of his speech that he made about her to a high school.

Lewis sends Addams good wishes for recovery and tells her how much everyone loves her.

Lathrop tells Addams that though her friends are disappointed, they accept her decision to withdraw her name from consideration for the presidency of the National Conference of Social Work.

Chappell tells Addams about the way people in Cedarville, Illinois, see her.

Barnett tells Addams that she will try to meet with her when she lands in England in June and wants to talk about the Ireland situation.

Addams sends Van Allen a denial that she called soldiers "murderers," a claim made by reporter Edward Marshall while she was in Europe.

Reports the creation of a resolution by the Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs to name Jane Addams to President Roosevelt's commission to settle a miner's strike.

A short note of introduction for Addams to the US Embassy in the Netherlands.

Hapgood gives his opinion on Addams' influence in the recent election and asks her to visit the east sometime.

Percy hopes to reschedule an appointment with Berger and encloses a letter from Addams introducing him.

Bear tells Addams that Cedarville wants to hold a Jane Addams Day and asks Addams for a date when she could return to speak about her recent work.

Newton writes Addams, Abbott, and Breckinridge a letter of introduction.

McCreary writes a letter of introduction for Addams and Breckinridge.

Bryan introduces Addams to the US Embassy in the Netherlands for her trip to The Hague.

Roosevelt praises Addams work with Hull-House.

Marshall asks Addams for permission to use her name in support of women's hostel to be founded by the Stead International Memorial Fund.

Royden reminds Addams to send a copy of a report of the Chicago Vice Commission to help with a British education campaign.

Baker returns to Addams some letters she lent him (not found) and suggests that her reputation is the strongest asset for the success of the Progressive movement.

Addams answers Ashley's letter of October 17, claiming that she did not do the things that Ashley alleged.

Ketcham writes to Addams about his support for Theodore Roosevelt and cautions about the danger of the Catholic Church against him.

Osgood writes Addams about the status of Grace Darling's membership and reports on the effectiveness of the Illinois letter.

Perkins writes Addams to see if she happens to be the clerk who worked for his friend Mr. Hull some twenty years ago.

Tarbell praises Addams' speech to the Playground Association of America, suggests the possibility of publishing it in the American Magazine, and shares her hopes for a visit to Chicago.

Smith tells Addams that despite the attacks in the press, many people support her work at Hull-House.