8 results

  • Date is exactly "1915-05-10"
REEL 47_1174.jpg

Addams reports that the International Congress of Women believes that the sinking of the Lusitania must bring neutral nations to work to end World War One.

Webb seeks a meeting with Addams in London and discusses the Fabian Society's ideas on peace.

Tweedie would like Addams to visit her in London because it has been over two years since she met with her at Hull-House.

Somerset hopes to meet Addams while she is in England.

Rathbone invites Addams to speak in Liverpool to the Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association.

Wilson requests a meeting between Helen Wilson and Addams while both are in London.

Heath invites Addams to meet for a discussion of changes he plans at Toynbee Hall.

Byles invites Addams, Breckinridge, and Abbott for lunch.