

Jane Addams Papers Project


Each organization mentioned in documents in the JA20CP will have a record in this collection. Some will be described in depth.




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Documents in this collection

National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies Poster

The National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies (NUWSS) was created by a merger of the National Central Society for Women's Suffrage and the Central Committee, National Society for Women's Suffrage in 1897. Led by Millicent Garrett Fawcett, the…

The Women’s Social and Political Union was a British woman suffrage organization founded by Emmeline Pankhurst, Sylvia Pankhurst, and four others in 1903. The WSPU was a splinter group of the National Union of Women Suffrage Societies that sought…
Hull-House Polk Street view.jpg

The original building of what came to be known as Hull-House was built to be a mansion by Charles Jerald Hull in 1856. Although it had originally been built in a fashionable area, by 1889, when Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Starr were searching for a…
Henry Street Settlement House Lirbary

Before founding the Henry Street Settlement, Lillian Wald was a nurse in New York City. At just 22 in 1893, Wald could see a desperate need by the city's poor for lessons in hygiene and proper medical care. In 1895 she solicited the help of Jacob…

The Department of Street Cleaning was created to combat Chicago's sanitation issues for the 1893 World's Fair. Ada Celeste Sweet claimed that the private contracts paid by the City to clean up the streets of Chicago were doing little more than…
Neighborhood House Kindergarten

Called the North Broadway Social Settlement until 1902, Neighborhood House was the first settlement house established in Kentucky. Located in Louisville and founded by Archibald Alexander Hill (1871-1907) in 1896, the Neighborhood House continues to…
Toynbee Hall

Toynbee Hall is regarded as inspiration to the American settlement movement. Canon Samuel Barnett, vicar of St. Jude's Church in Whitechapel, London argued that "residence among the poor is suggested as a simple way in which Oxford men may serve…
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Logo

The Houghton Mifflin Company was founded by Henry Oscar Houghton. Houghton initally worked out of Boston in various journalism and printing jobs before buying out one of Boston's premier printing buisiness in 1848, creating Bolles & Houghton. From…
Jacob A. Riis Neighborhood Settlement.Twenty-Eighth Annual Report, 1917–1918

The King's Daughters Settlement in New York City was opened in 1890—originally created to help traveling nurses inspect slums, the Settlement grew to provide classes and assistance to the poor of the surrounding neighborhood. In 1901, the…
Seal of The American Academy of Political and Social Science

Led by Edmund James, The American Academy of Political and Social Science was created in Philadelphia by a group of 22 people in December of 1889. The Annals, a bimonthly journal, was published one year after the Academy's founding; it would cover…
Labor Museum.jpg

The Hull-House Labor Museum was created with the hope that older generations of immigrants who were masters of a trade in their home country could show and teach that trade to second and third generations of immigrants. Children of original…
Kingsley House Settlement, Pittsburgh, PA

The Kingsely Association, formerly the Kingsley House, has been a staple of Pittsburgh philanthropy since 1893 when the group began to assist the poor of the city. Still in operation today, The Kingsley Association runs the Lillian Taylor Day Camp…
Proposed Home of the "Michigan Union" at Ann Arbor for the Students and Alumni of the University of Michigan.

Pond and Pond was an architectural firm founded by brothers Irving Kane Pond and Allen Bartlitt Pond in Chicago in 1885 focused on modernization. Many of the brothers' buildings were related to social services, including buildings designed for Jane…
Rockford College Summer School with Hull House, 1892

Hosted at Rockford College, Hull-House created a summer program with light classes designed to be light for the months between school. These classes were an extension of the College Extension Courses held at Hull-House. Students could pay to stay…

Founded in 1894 by Dr. Graham Taylor, the Chicago Commons was located on N. Union Street, about a mile north of Hull-House. Taylor, an ordained minister and professor at the Chicago Theological Seminary, established the settlement as a way to “teach…
Rockford Female Seminary

The Rockford Female Seminary was founded in 1847 as a sister school to Beloit College which aimed to provide a rigorous education for female students. The Seminary granted its first bachelor degrees in 1882; Jane Addams was among that first…
Chicago Board of Health

Although Chicago has had a designated Board of Health since 1834, this was seen as only a temporary fix to fight the outbreak of cholera. In 1857 the Board is disbanded, seen as a luxury in the downward rate of cholera infections. The Board is…
Men looking at the United Charities thermometer posted outside their offices

Originally called the Central Relief Agency in 1894, the organization was renamed the Chicago Bureau of Charities (CBC) in 1896. In 1909, the CBC merged with the Chicago Relief and Aid Society, formed in 1850, to become the United Charities of…
New York (City) Board of Health

New York City's Board of Health was officially organized in January of 1805 to combat the growing rounds of yellow fever. The Board was called together only for cases of epidemics, but was made a permanent part of the City's government in the 1860s.…
Health, General: United States. Massachusetts. Boston. Forms for Medical Inspection

The Boston Board of Health was established in 1799 due to cholera outbreaks with Paul Revere as its president. Today, seven members of the Boston Board of Health control the Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC). The BPHC is in charge of several…
The Lazaretto

The Philadelphia Board of Health was organized in 1794 independent of the city's control after an outbreak of yellow fever. Then Mayor Matthew Clarkson formed the Board from a group of 16 concerned citizens, including Benjamin Rush, to help the city…
Mounted policeman riding a horse on a street in the Loop

The Chicago Police was formed in January of 1835, two years before Chicago was officially incorporated as a city, and included just three officers to patrol a population of about 3,200. Since that time, the force has grown to over 12,000 officers…

The Wells Memorial Institution was founded by Robert Treat Paine in 1879. The Institution functioned as many things, including a large workingman's club and a learning center that provided free classes for men and women on varying subjects. …
Macmillan & Co. logo ca. 1880

Originally from London, The Macmillan Company created an American headquarters in New York City in 1869. The branch was founded by George Edward Brett. Though sold to Simon & Schuster, it retained the Macmillan name.