Report on Progressive Party Organization, September 26, 1912


New York

In fifteen counties the work of organization is well under way. In Cornwall there was a large mass meeting September 10th. In Buffalo organization meetings were held on the 11th and 12th. In New York county there were meetings on the 16th, 17th, and 18th. In Syracuse and Utica the women are thoroughly organized and active work is being done from the headquarters in both places. There was a large meeting in Syracuse at the Cantabrina Club on Saturday with an organization meeting after it. The women on the county committee are: Mrs. R. H. Bulley, Mrs. C. J. Mason, Miss Harriet Goodyear; and <on> the city committee: Mrs. Giles E. Stilwell, Mrs. Frank Weedon, Mrs. [Innes] Henry and Dr. Marion [McMaster].

In Utica there was an organization meeting at the residence of Mrs. Merwin H. Hart on Friday afternoon, and a large and enthusiastic meeting in the evening, at which Mr Wm. Dudley [Foulke], Mr. Allen and Miss Alice Carpenter spoke.

Mrs. Robert Elder spoke at the Italian-American Union in Brooklyn, on the 16th.

The executive committee of the State Committee was appointed by Mr. Wm. H. Hotchkiss on Sept. 16th. Miss Mary E. Dreier is one of the members.

Women have formed a National Finance Committee to assist in the campaign of the Progressive Party. Offices are soon to be opened in the Manhattan Hotel. Mrs. Amos Pinchot is acting chairman, Mrs. Elon Hooker, wife of the National Treasurer, is an active member. The National Committee is made up of fifty representative women from the North, South, East and West. Miss Ethel Roosevelt is very much interested and has been asked to serve on the National Committee.

There was a mass meeting in Yonkers, Sept. 23, at which Mrs. Tonjes spoke. [page 2]


"Things are going wonderfully well all over the State. I believe there is hardly a woman in Massachusetts who has not been asked to join the Progressive forces. Women are <on> all the committees and in every town and city and hamlet women Progressive organizations and clubs are being formed and are working hard."

Three prominent colored women are holding meetings in Massachusetts this week. It is their purpose to organize the colored women in that State.

In Holyoke on Sept. 10th a woman's Progressive League was formed.

May delegates from Holyoke, at least four of them women, will attend a rally in Worcester on the 24th. 

In Natick on Sept. 10th the women elected a woman's committee, the first one that has been formed in the East.

There was a mass meeting at Beverly on the 18th, at which great enthusiasm was aroused.

Organization meetings have been held recently in Natick and Wakefield. Mrs. Charles S. Bird was to speak at the latter.

In Springfield on Sept. 17th the first open meeting of the Women's Progressive Association was held, at which Mrs. Wm. E. Towne spoke.

A permanent organization of the women of the State will be affected at a meeting in Boston, when the women's state committee of the Progressive Party will be chosen.

In Boston on Sept. 18th the meeting of men and women was a great success. Plans were made for forming a chorus, the first rehearsal of which was to take place on Sept. 23rd.

In Salem on Sept. 20th there was a meeting of fifty women. Great enthusiasm was aroused. [page 3]

New Hampshire:

The Progressive State Convention will be held Sept. 26th at Concord. Last week organization work was done in Manchester.


An enthusiastic organization was started in Chittenden County, on Sept. 16th.

Rhode Island:

The women of Newport County have organized a Progressive League to act in conjunction with the Men's Progressive Club.

The first meeting was called by Mrs. Maud Howe Elliott at Oak Glen. The League is growing rapidly.

The Newport County League is endeavoring to raise $1,000 to help the campaign expenses of the State, of which $480, has already been pledged. 

Weekly meetings are held at the Progressive Headquarters in Washington Square, Newport.

Campaign literature was distributed at the Agriculture Fair from Sept. 17th to Sept. 20th. Tea, cake and sandwiches were sold for the benefit of the fund. The undertaking was a great success. There were two meetings in the hall on the fair grounds at which both men and women spoke.

Signatures for enrollment cards from the voters are being secured and a large amount of campaign literature is being distributed.

Tea is to be served at the Wednesday afternoon meetings at the headquarters.

Both in the county district and in the town of Newport, the affairs of the Progressive Party are talked of more than anything else.

Many men attend the afternoon meetings of the Women's League, and women are welcome at the evening meetings of the Men's League. [page 4]

New Jersey

An organization meeting was held in Paterson on Sept. 19th, at which a committee of men and women was formed.

A Progressive club was organized in Upper Montclair on Sept. 9th. The vice-president is Mrs. F.D. Greene.


Twenty women have enrolled themselves as members of the Tarrant County Progressive club. The club proposes to make a woman Vice-President and to elect three women to the executive committee.


The first convention of the Progressive Party took place Sept. 13. The ticket includes the names of two women presidential electors.


Cheyenne, Sept. 14. -- Miss Helen J. Grant of Albany County is presidential elector for Wyoming on the Progressive Party ticket. She is the first woman so chosen in the State.


San Francisco. -- The Women's Roosevelt League met Sept. 13, so practice campaign songs and to organize. Choruses are springing up in many different states.


In Georgia the Campaign is well under way. One of the leading Progressive women has announced a plan to publish the first Progressive Republican paper in Georgia, "The Georgia Patriot."


There was an organization meeting of five hundred in the Sixth Ward of Chicago on Sept. 12th. Miss S. B. Breckinridge of the University of Chicago was elected first vice-president and the assistant treasurer is also a woman.

Mrs. Kellogg Fairbank of Chicago is chairman of the Woman's Finance Committee for the Mid-Western States. She is sending out appeals to the women in all the States under her jurisdiction.


At an organization meeting on Sept. 12th "The Women's Wing of the Progressive Party" was formed at Des Moines.


The Woman's Progressive League of Nevada was organized at Reno Sept. 12th.