Aeusserungen von Lehrern und Lehrerinnen aus Schulen in Gelsenkirchen, March 1920 Also known as: Statements from teachers from schools in Gelsenkirchen, March 1920


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Late March 1920.

Statements from teachers from schools in Gelsenkirchen.

In the months of February and March this year, there were multiple occasions when parents did not send their children to school because there was no bread in the [illegible word]. The same number [concerned?] about 5 – 10%. About [illegible number] % of the children came to school without breakfast.

sign. [Hueggemeier]. Principal

In the months of February and March of this year, among the children of the Annaschule there was strikingly high number of symptoms of illness, [illegible] fainting, dizziness, headaches, fatigue, [illegible] during lessons [illegible]. The cause of these phenomena is [undoubtedly?] the ongoing malnutrition and lack of milk. The number of sick people had increased so much over the last several weeks that the undersigned felt compelled to inform the city doctor Dr. Wendenburg. In individual classes an average of 10 - 20 children were missing, in class [Wb?] (3rd [year?] girls) the [illegible] of the sick children was 23 of 52 children in one day.

sign. [Hurke?]. Principal

My observations of the students in VI/VII grade of the [illegible name of school] showed that on average 20 - [illegible number] percent came to school on an empty stomach due to lack of bread. As a result of general malnutrition, the kids were often not able to follow the lessons with the necessary attention. They complained a lot about headaches, were constantly tired [page 2] and suffered from fainting. The [transfer?] also resulted in an increased percentage of those who did not reach the goal and the [illegible] had to be sent to a special school.

sign. [A. Sturm?]. Teacher

I hereby confirm that due to lack of breakfast about 10 – 12 children in my class often experience light fainting spells.

sign. [E. Maernitz]. Teacher

Similar [cases?] have occurred to me repeatedly in my class.

sign. [E. Killet]. Teacher

At least six children from fourth grade cannot follow lessons due to sudden feeling of weakness – (caused by lack of breakfast).

sign. H. Meyer. Teacher

I hereby confirm that such cases have also occurred [frequently?] in my class.

sign. [C. Schlosshem]. Teacher

Due to inadequate breakfasts, a number of children in my class (6 – 8) are not able to follow the lessons.

sign. [F. Laabe?]. Teacher