77 results

  • Mentions: Gobat, Marguerite (1870-1937)

Addams tells Doty that she thinks they can afford only $1,000 for traveling costs for delegates to the International Congress of Women at Dublin.

Doty asks Addams about how much the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom can contribute to travel for delegates to the International Congress of Women in Dublin.

Also known as Vilma Glücklich to the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Executive Committee, September 23, 1925

Glücklich tells the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Board that she will remain as Secretary for an additional month to give Madeleine Doty a chance to raise some funds before taking over.

The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's balance sheet for the month of December.

A list of monthly expenses for the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

Doty updates Addams on the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Geneva office and events in Europe.

Doty complains to Addams that the work of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom is underfunded and decisions need to be made about its future programs.

Also known as Vilma Glücklich to Jane Addams, February 27, 1925

Glücklich writes to the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Executive Committee regarding the time and place of the next meeting, the request of the Czechoslovakian Section, and finding a replacement for her.

Doty updates Addams about plans for the international Summer School, the Fifth International Congress in Dublin and responds to correspondence.

Butts writes Addams about her fears of communism, fascism, and violent ideology and recommends the creation of an International Peace Bureau.

Doty tells Addams about activities and finances at the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Geneva office.

Doty tells Addams that they will need extra help to run the Summer School.

Blake tells Balch how much they will miss her in organizing the Summer School and admits that she is not capable of running it herself.

Balch tells Schwimmer about the mental collapse of Gertrud Woker and plans to return her to Europe.

Glücklich sends Addams the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's balance sheet for approval.

Addams tells Glücklich that she was surprised by her resignation as executive secretary of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

Doty updates Addams on her work as International Secretary.

Balch asks Addams for guidance on issues to be discussed at the upcoming Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Executive Committee meeting and discusses her travels in Europe.

Addams offers Balch her suggestions for Women's International League for Peace and Freedom delegates to the League of Nations and issues to be discussed at the Executive Committee meeting.

A pamplet outlining the mission and needs of the school used for fundraising.

Balch tells Swanwick that they have moved the location of the Summer School and discusses staffing plans at the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom to cover her six month rest.
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Addams thanks Glücklich for her work and tells of efforts to start a section in Peking.

Glücklich updates Addams on work done in Geneva for the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

Glücklich tells Addams about the deaths of recent friends and her problems keeping up with the office work and other challenges facing the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

Also known as Vilma Glücklich to Women's International League for Peace and Freedom National Sections, July 9, 1924

Glücklich tells Addams about efforts to carry out the resolution passed at the International Congress of Women.