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  • Subject is exactly "Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, publications"

Addams sends Martin a note from Madeleine Doty.

Addams writes to Doty, for publication in Pax International, about her views on how Women's International League for Peace and Freedom sections can post the League's objects on their literature.

Also known as Madeleine Zabriskie Doty to Jane Addams, April 14, 1927

Doty informs the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom about the activities of the Executive Committee meeting at Liége.

Report on the decision made by the Executive Committee regarding the ongoing publication of Pax International.

Doty tells Addams about the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Executive Committee meeting.

Doty gives Sheepshanks her advice on handling the International Secretary position at the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom headquarters.

Doty tells Addams about activities at the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Geneva office.

Doty tells Addams about activities at the Women's International League For Peace and Freedom headquarters.

Detzer cables Addams that the bulletins have not arrived but she hopes to have them today.

Addams gives Doty her ideas on publishing Pax International in the United States.

Addams tells Doty her ideas on continuing the Pax International in the United States.

Doty tells Addams about infighting between the British and French Sections of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom and other issues.

Doty tells Addams about plans or the United States Section to fund the International Newsletter in an effort to increase membership.

Detzer sends Addams an article which plagiarizes the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Congressional Report.

Addams thanks Flynn for her help in raising funds to support the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's International Bulletin.

Detzer asks Addams for help writing a history of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

Addams tells Detzer that the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Geneva office will send programs and letters about the conference to the Washington office.

Doty offers Addams her ideas on how to lower the budget for the Pax International without reducing size.

Doty updates Adams on progress on the report for the International Congress of Women in Dublin.

Doty provides a financial balance sheet for the end of 1925 and notes on her expectations for future expenses.

Doty updates Addams on the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Geneva office and events in Europe.

Addams sends Kane an article about Emily Hobhouse and asks her to continue working on a better one.

Addams advises Doty to keep the Pax International a four-page newsletter focused on the activities of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's branches.

Doty updates Addams on activities in the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Geneva office.

Baldwin tells Addams that the American Fund will support the Pax International for another year but needs it to become self-supporting.