6 results

  • Date is exactly "1915-01-02"

Pringsheim sends support for Addams' peace work from Germany by opposing the sending of ammunition from the States to Europe.

Lindsey tells Addams about a woman who would like to stay at Hull-House. He would also like to visit Addams soon.

The National Conference of Charities and Correction cannot send Glenn as a representative to the meeting in Washington, D.C. but she will agree to attend if Addams believes that her presence at the meeting will be especially helpful.

DeGraff informs Addams that she cannot attend the conference in Washington, D.C. but that a representative of the League of Teachers' Associations will be in attendance.

Barrett agrees to help Addams with the plans for the Peace Committee. Barrett also sends Addams a fundraising letter.

Addams invites Forbes to the Peace Meeting that will be held in Washington, D.C. and sends a letter that she wrote to Catt.