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  • Creator is exactly "Shaw, Anna Howard"
REEL 47_0919.jpg

Testimony of Addams and Anna Shaw before a Congressional Committee on Rules regarding woman's suffrage.

Shaw reports that the National Association is unable take up the matter or peace, but is sending all communications to Addams as head of the peace movement in the United States.

Shaw writes Addams enclosing material (not found) and offers her service for the Peace Party.

Shaw thanks Addams for being selected as a member of the Cooperating Council of the Woman's Peace Party.

Shaw asks Addams to speak for her at a meeting in Atlanta.

Shaw informs board members of the National American Woman Suffrage Association about the organization's fundraising issues.

Shaw writes to Addams to clarify the awkward situation between the National and State associations for suffrage in navigating the Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft campaigns.

Shaw congratulates Addams on her nominating speech at the Progressive Party Convention, but notes that she does not share Addams' faith in Theodore Roosevelt.