Jane Addams to Anna Marcet Haldeman, March 28, 1915


March 28th


My dear Marcet

I have just come back from Cedarville where Mrs Corbett and I spent the day [but] I am writing this [late] letter for I am surely not going to break our pact the very first Sunday. I found your letter on my desk, about the memorial service & the other things that I wanted so much to know about.

Grandmother was back in her chair looking quite restored. Mary and I both regret the [page 2] postponement of her going -- but decided to have Mrs Corbett come to Cedarville on March 11th. She will stay for two weeks and if Cousin Sarah Hostetter can come after that time, it may be possible for Mary to stay in Girard as long as you need help in the house [illegible].

Please give my love to Mrs Brown, I hope our various telegrams to her were not too distracting. Always, Dearest [illegible] your loving Aunt Jane Addams.