James David Thompson to Jane Addams, April 4, 1902


Library of Congress
Washington D.C.,
Apr. 4. 1902.

My dear friend,

I often think of you [though] I do not write; and last night I spent the whole evening with you, for as I read your new book I could hear distinctly the very tones of your voice. I want to thank you for publishing these lectures in book form. Many of us to whom you have been an inspiration will treasure them always. I hope there will be another volume soon. [page 2]

Edward Carpenter's new book should be out ↑about↓ now. I enclose the notice which he sent me. When I was staying with him this summer in England I persuaded him to give the typographical side more attention than he has done in other books. So I hope it will attract more notice.

I had a letter this morning from J. R. Macdonald. He & his wife are coming over here in August for a tour of several months across Canada to the Pacific, down to Arizona & New Orleans, up to Chicago & then eastward home. [page 3]

I was delighted to have a visit from Ernest Crosby yesterday. I hear you are to visit Philadelphia soon & hope that may bring you around by Washington. Perhaps I may have something secret to tell you, if you don't know it already!

Always affectionately

J David Thompson

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