April 5, 1915
My dear Mrs. Carter:
May I acknowledge for Miss Addams your letter to her sent a few days ago? She would, I know, thank you for your interest in the peace movement as for your earnest desire to help in stopping the war.
It would not be possible, however, for her to do anything to aid you in seeing the president. President Wilson sent a refusal to see Miss Addams herself on a peace mission. He wrote her a very cordial letter telling her why it was not possible to do so but you see under these circumstances she could not in any way ask him to see someone else.
You will be, at any rate, sure that you have done all you can in trying to give your message.
Sincerely yours,
Assistant Secretary
Mrs. A. L. Carter,
The Royal Palms,
325 West Duval Street,
Jacksonville, Florida