April 2, 1915.
My dear Miss Addams:
I am writing you, understanding that you are to sail on April 13 for the Peace Conference of Women to be held at The Hague. Permit me to assure you that we wish you may not have to be "interned" and held in Europe until the close of the war.
But the matter about which I am especially writing is the Peace Dove that is the conception or creation of Miss Bertha Stephenson of Hartwell, Cincinnati, Ohio. I presume you have a sample, and I am exceedingly anxious to have the Peace Conference to which you are going, adopt this as their emblem. I can think of nothing that would be better. It is a beautiful pin, inexpensive, and is very expressive, and certainly greatly needed at this time.
I know Miss Stephenson well, and would thoroughly appreciate anything that you can do with reference to this matter. Truly it does speak an International language. It brings a message to every nation on earth. It speaks for the thing our Lord and Master came to bring to pass in the world, universal peace. [page 2]
Again thanking you for any favor that you may be able to confer on Miss Stephenson, with sincerest regards and best wishes for your continued success, I am
Very sincerely yours,