Florence Wilkinson Evans to Jane Addams, March 10, 1915

52 Kenyon St.
Hartford, Conn.
March 10, '15.

Dear Miss Addams,

I have been so glad to hear of the formation of the Woman's Peace Society. I hope there will be many meetings big and little to educate and arouse public sentiment.

There are two poems of mine which I enclose [page 2] and if they will be of any use to you or the Society -- to read or have read -- I shall be happy to put them at your disposal. I often think of the happy summer I spent at Hull House.

Mr. Evans & I returned last August from Europe where we lived [page 3] for five years, mostly in Normandy and afterwards on a Tuscan farm. We have a little boy, three years old, Christopher.

With warmest regard and admiration

Yours sincerely

Florence Wilkinson Evans.

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