Jan. 29, 1903
Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.
My dear Miss Addams:
You remember you promised me that you would come to Toledo sometime after the first of the year. Now the time is close to the first of February. I want you to come so as to spend Sunday and Monday, if you can; at any rate, I want you on a week day, for I want to make a dinner [for] you at Golden Rule Hall. I [know] that you will enjoy the experience and that you will count the experience worth having. It is unique, cannot be duplicated [elsewhere], and I believe it is worthwhile. The men that you dine with will furnish the main part of the entertainment, and notwithstanding that your experience has been varied, I do not believe that you have had the privilege of sitting down with men who come direct from their work to the table, eat in their shirt sleeves, their hands and faces more or less begrimed with the clean dirt of toil.
Kindly let me know at your early convenience when we may lock for you and what you will talk upon. I will arrange a lecture over in [town,] then you will make a little talk at the dinner.
Very sincerely yours,
Samuel M Jones [signed]