Neena Hamilton Pringsheim to Jane Addams, January 2, 1915

Waitz. str 21.

Jan. 2. 1915.

My dear [Miss] Addams.

We Americans, now resident in Germany, take pleasure in sending you our appeal against the export of ammunition from the United States to Europe.

We sincerely hope, that [page 2] the womens [organizations] of America will consider carefully this important question, and see in what manner they can best lend their influence towards stopping this export.

In order to bring the matter before the business men of Berlin, I placed the enclosed statement of facts before the American [page 3] Association of Commerce and Trade. I send you this paper, as it may, in some way, aid your efforts in our country. It is, of course, only of private nature and interest.

A large number of Americans are now intensely interested in the matter, as we feel that our country [page 4] must soon assume the responsibility for the continuance of the present war, unless the government be enabled to inhibit the enormous export of war-material.

Thanking you for your attention in the name of our large Woman's Committee, and trusting that you will be in entire sympathy with our endeavors,

Very sincerely Yours -- 

Neena Hamilton Pringsheim.