Dear Madam: --
In pursuance of the plans made at the meeting of the general committee on feeble-mindedness, held May 25th, five committee chairmen have been appointed as follows: --
Mr. Sherman C. Kingsley, Sub-committee on Legislation
Dr. William Healy, Sub-committee on State Board of Administration and State Institutions.
Mr. Joel D. Hunter, Sub-committee on Organization of a General Meeting and Education of Social Workers as to the Prevalence of Feeble-mindedness.
Mr. James Mullenbach, Sub-committee on Devising Ways for Immediate care of the Feeble-minded.
Mr. W. S. Reynolds, Sub-committee on Inquiry into Number & Care of Feeble-minded Children in Institutions for Dependent Children.
Several of these [chairmen] are ready to submit tentative reports to the general committee embodying information they have secured from the state officials, and suggested plans of procedure.
There will be a meeting of the general committee on Tuesday, June 16th, at 4 P.M. at my office, 523 County Building. I trust you will be able to attend.
Yours very truly