Jane Addams to Paul Underwood Kellogg, December 27, 1914


Dec. 27, 1914.

My dear Mr. Kellogg: --

I thank you for your most generous Christmas present with its charming foreward. I have always felt that the entire [Pittsburgh] investigation was a wonderful milestone in the matter of social investigation and treatment and I want to congratulate you once more upon your part in it.

I had a very suggestive letter from Miss Balch yesterday giving various possible articles for our February number. I have sent it to Mr. Taylor and will see him Monday about it.

I am afraid I do not quite get the Preparedness for Peace plan, although I hope to be in Washington on the 6th, and should like to be part of it if I can be of any use. You know of course of the research which is being made by the four Foundations and Societies [page 2] whose addresses I am enclosing. The Boston people are really waking up and making some fine suggestions on the peace line. I shall hope to be in Washington the 6th when we can perhaps come to a working basis.

With all good wishes for the New Year, I am

Sincerely yours,

Jane Addams. [signed]

P.S. The Industrial Relations Committee insist upon my coming down to New York to appear before them, probably the 8th of January. If I do I shall want to see <talk to> the group in Washington, long and earnestly.