800 South Halsted Street,
Dear Miss Addams:-
Possibly later on the Macmillan Company might accept the book. I am always particularly pleased to have any book in my Series which has an association with the Hull House. It makes it, however, far more difficult to include a book in the Citizen's Library if it first is submitted to the Macmillan Company. If it had been sent to me in the first instance, the prospect of its inclusion would have been far better. I think you can see why this must be so. If Miss Henry will send the manuscript to me about the middle of January I will give it consideration.
I need scarcely say how much I should like to have another volume by you in the Citizen's Library. If you have anything which could submit to me first, I am confident that arrangements could be made to give you the same terms which you would receive for independent publication. It would help the Citizen's Library, and I do not believe that in any way it would injure the sale of your book.
I had never heard of your visit to my Aunt when she was ill in the hospital in [Beirut]. It gives me much pleasure to read what you say. She and her sister, my [page 2] Aunt Charlotte, have had a noble career. They graduated at Mount Holyoke. They studied in Germany, and went out as missionaries in 1868, establishing in Bitlis a school for young women, which they named after their Alma Mater in this country, Mount Holyoke. My Aunt Charlotte, about eighty years of age, is still active, but naturally I am very anxious about her. The fighting between Russia and Turkey and <in> Asia has been in that part of Turkey where Bitlis is situated. Her last letter was dated about the middle of September, and although war had not been declared by Turkey, <the> [country] were <was> very disturbed.
If Mrs. Ely were here she would wish to be very cordially remembered to you.