Richard Theodore Ely to Jane Addams, December 26, 1904


December 26, 1904.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House, 335 South Halsted [Street],
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

Please accept my thanks for your letter of the 24th and for the copy of your convocation address at the University of Chicago. I have read the address with unreserved endorsement and cordial approval. It seems to me to have wonderful insight and to say just the things that need to be said. I indeed feel gratified and encouraged greatly by your thought of me as your "sociological godfather". I only wish that I could feel that even in a small degree I deserved the title. I have felt sufficiently cast down and despondent for several days to satisfy my worst enemy. I do feel cheered by what you say. I am going to allow myself to think that you have gotten at least a little bit of help from something that I may have said or written, even if I cannot see how.

Ever faithfully yours,

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