Graham Taylor to Jane Addams, March 17, 1914


March 17, 1914.

Miss Jane Addams,
800 S. Halsted St.,
Chicago, Illinois.

My dear Miss Addams: --

In transmitting my monthly statement to the trustees of Chicago Commons, I have to report the greatest sorrow and loss we have ever suffered in the sudden death of a noble fellow resident, Miss Katherine Schofield, who has put nine years of her sweet, strong life into the fellowship and work of Chicago Commons.

Last Sunday our auditorium was thronged by neighbors of different ages and nationalities who came to pay their touching tribute to her love for them and theirs for her. During the intervening week since her death after an operation, the girls and young women in whose lives she has invested hers, have streamed into the house to mingle their tears with ours over our common loss.

No more self-effacing personal service for individual lives could be rendered to lift "the burden of the soul" then Miss Schofield gave in her incessant work these years for the physical, social and spiritual welfare of these girls and young women in her gymnasium classes and clubs, and the children and teachers of the Tabernacle Sunday-School, of which she was superintendent. Such an investment of life for life and such a return from life to life justifies as nothing else all other investments in such human service.

It will be very difficult to fill Miss Schofield's place in our work. We will take our time to it and probably not secure a successor in the gymnasium and club work for girls until autumn. It demands the highest qualities to come into natural and effective contact with the adolescent girls and young woman at the most vital personal points where character and destiny are determined.

Meanwhile, we are trying to tide her class appointments over until spring by volunteer helpers from several sources.

Very truly yours,

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