Beatrice Webb to Jane Addams, July 11, 1913



11th July, 1913.

Dear Miss Jane Addams,

I have been wanting for some time to write to you, but have hesitated to do so until I knew you were at home again.

I want to beg you very earnestly to contribute to this forthcoming Supplement of THE NEW STATESMAN on the Awakening of Women which is to be issued sometime next October. It so happens that the audience of THE NEW STATESMAN is exactly the audience which is most desirable for the purpose of advancing the cause of women in England. Judging by our 2,700 postal subscribers <(we have of course a very much [illegible] bookstore sales)> it is [predominantly] male, poltiical and official. So that anything that appears in it or with it is likely to be read by exactly the people we want to get hold of. I am securing some of the most brilliant English women writers. But there are two subjects, either of which I feel that you would do far better than anyone else, and of course your name would carry a great weight both in England and elsewhere. These subjects are No. 13 "Prostitution" and No. 14. "The Effect of the Awakening of Women on the Development of the Race". [No one] can deal with "Prostitution" in the way I want it dealt with except yourself. But I also feel that you are particularly fitted to sum the whole question up. We want only 2000 words so that it will not be a great tax on your energy. We might of course run to rather more than 2000 words for the final article. I am [Page 2] afraid we can only afford to pay the usual rate of two guineas for about 1000 words, that is [today] a guinea a column.

Do concede this favor to yours very gratefully,

Beat Webb [signed]
(Mrs. Sidney Webb.)

<I am sending you an issue of our paper with an article by us on "Women" also this week's issue. BW>

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