Jane Addams to Anita McCormick Blaine, June 13, 1912


My dear Mrs Blaine,

Thank you so much for the big check which came this morning and which enables us to breathe freely [for] the moment. With gratitude for this and many another. Always affectionately yours

Jane Addams

June 13″ 1912

Item Relations


David Kaminski

Because the "f" is used as "for" a few lines up, I am not sure why there is a question about [for], unless the brackets themselves indicate the word has been inserted by the editor. If the latter is the case, then do all "f"s become [for] in this and all other transcripts?

Cathy Moran Hajo

We are bracketing here because there is no tailing line after the f as in the other "for"s in the document. It may have been a skip of the pen. We are mostly going with context to interpret it rather than the letters we see, so we have bracketed it.

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