Ada Lois James to Jane Addams, August 19, 1912


August 19, 1912.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Miss Addams:

In reply to my letter to Miss Shaw I received one from her in which she said if Miss Wagner really had any letters which would have weight she would have published them long ago. "She simply wants to keep me from coming into the campaign and is putting up a bluff." --

I told Miss Willis what Miss Shaw said, and that I felt sure that Miss Shaw would not wish to come if there was anything in the letters which would injure our chances in November. Miss Willis asked me if she sent copies of the letters to Miss Shaw and Miss Shaw acknowledged having written them if I would write and advise her not to come. But I would not promise to do this unless I know [illegible] told concerning the contents of the letters were true. She then handed me the letters to read, and not a story was verified. There is nothing in the letters Miss Willis has, which could injure the campaign in my estimation. Every word was true and Mrs. Brown's friends would acknowledge it. If the letters should be published (and I trust that they won't) they would prove tame in comparison to the contents reported.

I have written to Miss Shaw asking her to come. Miss Willis insists if she does, that their Association are to have half of her time and I agreed to this. There is enough rivalry to prompt us to do our best in making arrangements for Miss Shaw. It of course does not matter who makes the arrangements if they are well made and I think they will be.

Sincerely yours,

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