Roggen, Colo., Aug 13, 1912.
Madam; --
I have just read in the Denver Express what is claimed to be a statement made by you. "All social workers are greatly interested in the fact that this new party has championed those causes which, heretofore have been the subject of discussion in the very limited centers of social workers themselves.
Now they are matters of national interest and we expect during the next three months to see them discussed in every farm house and at every fireside in the country."
I certainly congratulate you upon this good fortune of getting [page 2] this important subject discussed.
I have just been deeply interested in a plan by which all great social, industrial and economical questions of [vital] interest to this nation and to <the> world can be intelligently presented and discussed in every home.
I have endeavored for the past three years to have it acted upon but it has not yet been adopted.
You see the need and I believe can see the practicability of it.
I mean, you social workers, including the W.C.T.U., Prohibitionists, Anti-Saloon League and industrial workers should unite in a common cause, establish up to date daily papers in at least every State, and, if possible in every large city in the U.S. Make the chief feature of the papers the championing of reforms needed for our common good.
In order to do this effectively, [page 3] the paper must not be narrow but broad in view and be strictly up to date in every respect to command the respect and patronage of the Public. Employ brightest newspaper men only as editors and managers.
If possible buy a controlling interest in the best paper in the State or city to enable you to dictate its policy.
This too would give a good circulation from the beginning and assure success from the beginning and a financial point.
It would reach the people with less labor and expense than present plans and be actually self sustaining and dividend paying.
These reforms must be made the subjects of common conversations and there is no other <way> to accomplish this so well as through the press. [page 4]
You know how difficult it is to get more than a passing notice from the subsidized, and in many cases, corrupted press for your cause. The enemy uses the press to fight us. We must use it to fight them. They concentrate their efforts against us. We must concentrate against them.
To be most effective, facts concerning the very great social and industrial evils of each city or community must be mingled in order to be read by all and gradually the truths will be learned and heeded.
More money is at present being spent in each state, each year, in ineffective efforts to educate the public than would buy and operate a good daily paper. If possible I would be glad to engage in assisting to establish such papers.
very truly yours
E. Wellington Dye.