Rhoda M. Brooks to Jane Addams, December 22, 1911

Rhoda M. Brooks,
129 Park Place,
Brooklyn, N. Y.

Dec. 22, 1911.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Miss Addams: --

A letter from a stranger probably is nothing new for you, and so I feel I am but adding to what must be a universal expression of thanks for your articles in MC CLURE'S, upon A NEW [CONSCIENCE] and an ANCIENT EVIL.  It certainly gives new hope to womankind when a voice like yours is publicly lifted and your pen, tipped in sincerity, truth and wisdom, writes of this crying need for a betterment of that which takes the best life-blood of a Nation.

Pardon me if I state as a personal matter, that I am a Viavi Worker and Lecturer. If you know anything of our work, you understand how long and hard the workers for this Natural form of Treatment have labored for the instruction which must result in healthier, better and more spiritual lives for our kind. When I read your articles, I wish for nothing so much as to go to you and gain from you instruction as to methods of making work effective in reaching the "Outcast Woman," and saving ignorant girls. My work along health and moral lines lead me in the direction of your work, and I would very much like to have your great personality as an inspiration to do what I feel I, in myself, am not fully prepared to accomplish. [page 2]

In writing this, I am following some impulse which may only take your time to no purpose, but if there is anything I could do in connection with your great work, I would be glad to have an indication of that fact.  We, my husband and I, have both been Viavi Managers for years, and we are now thinking of making a change in location.  If Chicago could supply us with something to do that means a betterment of those needing help; or if we knew where or how to take up such work, we would only too gladly do so. We are not after money, simply a very simple living, but we do want to help forward the progress of humanity and to feel that the knowledge which we have in regard to the great evils growing out of the ignorance of men and women regarding the basic things of life, can be a help toward lifting the curtain and helping forward the enlightenment which must come before the self-control and spiritualization is accomplished which means an uplift for the whole human family.

Thanking you for the articles which you have written and which stir the finer parts of all who read them, as well as awakening the hope that education will eliminate the dangers of the paramount [evil] of the day, believe me

Sincerely yours,

Rhoda M. Brooks. [signed]

Mrs. Lewis Brooks.