December 7, 1903.
My dear Miss Addams,
I scarcely think it would be worth while to write to Miss Culver. A personal presentation might possibly have some effect ↑[but I doubt exceedingly the efficiency]↓ of a written communication.
Friday I expect to be in Milwaukee and it would be convenient for me to run down to Chicago either that evening or early Saturday morning and I could stay there until Sunday evening. Do you suppose you could see Dr. Hirsch before that time and present the matter to him and make arrangements for me to see him Saturday or Sunday, should he be willing to listen to my tale? What you say concerning his enlightenment entirely coincides with my impression.
I think I should say that Mr. Hunter, and, I believe, also Mr. J. G. Phelps Stokes, have presented the matter to Mr. Stanley McCormick. At the suggestion of Mr. Hunter I wrote to Mr. McCormick on Saturday, telling him that I should be glad to meet him the last of the week. Both of them seemed to hope that he could and would do something. It is desirable, if possible, to interest only a few people in this undertaking. I have hoped that three could be found to carry the financial end, with Mr. Macy as treasurer of the fund. It is obvious that with a great many people interested there may be embarrassing complications. It is also important to have people of the right sort interested. I think I know where I could get one third of the money, but I do not [page 2] wish it from that particular source. The person who would probably give it if he had the opportunity, is an excellent man, but he seems to lack stability. He is too volatile and might become impatient for results. Another danger is that he might want to take a hand in the work himself, I mention this merely to show the need of circumspection.
Another point is that for certain reasons it is very important to bring the matter to a conclusion at an early date. It is also obvious that it is well not to mention the matter to anyone unless there is some special object in so doing. Above all things it should be kept out of the press until definite arrangements have been made.
Thanking you for your kind interest and hoping to hear from you soon, I remain,
very sincerely yours,