Madison, Wis., October 17, 1906.
Dear Miss Addams:-
Thank you for your letters and the enclosure.
I would not say that it is necessary to mention every book or article from which you have quoted; but where the quotations are of some length or of special significance, the reference is worth while. I think it is a safe rule to give one's authority, and it would not seem to me to detract from the popular character of the book. I entirely agree with you that the book is to be kept popular.
The style of the book is on the whole good, I think. The last chapters are especially well written. I think that the first chapter is also fair, although not your best. Along the middle part of the book there are things that you ought to change, but after all they are comparatively few. I believe it is the function of an editor to speak frankly and to do what he can to avoid needless public criticism. I wish you, however, to understand very emphatically that I regard the book as a really great one.
Sincerely yours,
Richard T. Ely [signed]
(1 Enclosure)