Graham Taylor to Jane Addams, February 3, 1912


Chicago, Feb. 3, 1912.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams: --

The annual meeting of the Board of Trustees of Chicago Commons Association will be held next Wednesday, February 7th, at 4:15, at the office of Mr. Ryerson, Commercial Bank Building, Adams and Clark Streets.

As it will be impossible to secure the attendance of some members of the board after this date, I hope you will make a special effort to be present.

I send you a copy of my report as treasurer, in order that your consideration of it in advance may save time at the meeting, which should not last longer than an hour. Please be prepared to nominate and vote for a successor to Mrs. Matz. My suggestion of Mr. Rudolph Matz is entirely confidential and need in no way preclude the discussion of other names. If you have not already notified me that you can be present, please do so, that we may be assured of a quorum.

Truly yours,

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