Interview with the Newspaper Enterprise Association, November 1, 1924





CHICAGO. Nov. 1. -- We're shooting adrenalin into politics. That's the belief of Jane Addams, internationally known humanitarian and sociologist, frequently called the best known woman in America.

Peering into the future on one of those rare occasions when she talks for publication, Miss Addams in an exclusive interview with NEA Service and The Miami Daily News predicted a realignment in the Republican and Democratic parties.

Likewise she foresees a rebirth of interest in the affairs of state on the part of non-voters.

All this, she says, will come as a result of the present three-cornered political melee.

"The country can be glad of the trend politics is taking," she says.

Live issues are being brought into the open. Folks are commencing to feel they really have something for which to vote.

"That is a good sign.

"The body politic was nearing senescence. Its issues were neutral. [page 2] They meant nothing. And the non-voter was the apathetic aftermath.

"Now a metaphorical adrenalin is being administered. Politics is commencing to stand for something -- mean something.

"To get out the vote you have first to obtain the voter's interest.

"Heretofore we have had just the cut and dried two old parties. They were hard to distinguish. They had subsided into almost a neutrality. Such things are bad when the voter's vote is needed.

"I believe that a realignment will take place before long. The Progressives, standpatters and Tories will group by themselves.

"That will be a good thing. It will interest voters. And when you interest voters they go to the polls.

"Compulsory voting would be dreadful. It would be like compulsory church attendance -- trying to set a good example, so to speak.

"I am glad for the turn politics is taking. Beneficial results will follow that will affect everyone."

Miss Addams favors the League of Nations.

"Peace is the greatest thing the world needs today," she said.

"The League of Nations is a means to peace. It is a splendid, practical device.

"The league stands for more than just ending of war. It means accomplishment.

"This country would do well to enter the league.

"Some day, I am sure, it will."

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