Jane Addams to William Howard Taft, November 20, 1911


November 20, 1911.

The Hon. William H. Taft
President of the United States
Washington, D.C.

My dear President Taft: --

May I write to you urging the Children's Labor Bureau upon your further attention.

As you know, the Bill passed the Senate at the last regular session and has been favorably reported by the Senate Committee in the extra session, and the friends of the measure living throughout the United States are confident that with your approval the Bill would quickly be enacted into Law.

Those of us who for many years have been working for the betterment of children feel very seriously the lack of correlated information through a central source, and I am sure that nothing would do more to unify and push forward the welfare of children who so sorely need help, than the establishment of such a Bureau.

Trusting I am not imposing upon your courtesy, I am

Very truly yours,

Jane Addams. [signed]

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