148 Charles Street
Dear [Miss] Addams:
I can only send you a brief word because my limited strength now a days will not allow more -- perhaps more words would not express more fully what I wish--
It is to say simply, when I put down that magazine with your appeal with regard to the social evil I was moved to understand more fully than ever after all these years, I had yet done, your mission to this world, Hope & faith [page 2] always triumphant because it is the Spirit of the Lord speaking through us and not ourselves alone, our own will and Endeavor.
I believe it is the first time that the possibility of staying this great evil and in some degree mastering [page 3] the passions of men and women, was ever been announced to the world -- it may be called "the great announcement" and someday (I believed in consequence) the work will begin.
It is long since the timid Hand was <so> appeared to me, manifesting irresistible power through the hand of one of us!
Dear [Miss] Addams! May [page 4] the same power and hope and faith stay you to the end!
I am sending you a little book of [Miss] Jewett's Letters which I hope you will enjoy.
Yours always
Annie Fields
Nov. 11th 1911