Addams on Women Drivers, November 1923


It Let Her Through.

Miss Jane Addams, of Hull House, said in a recent address:

"Some women go in for men's work without men's training. A motor policeman held up a woman automobilist on a country road the other day.

"'Madam,' he said, 'this won't do. You were going fifty-five miles an hour.'

"The woman automobilist laughed sarcastically.

"'Dear me!' she said. 'So I was going fifty-five miles an hour, was I? Well, Mr. Policeman, I want you to know this. I haven't been out half an hour yet. Ha, ha, ha!'

"The policeman touched his cap hurriedly.

"'Pass on, madam' he said. 'That's a new excuse on me.'"

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