Louis J. Affelder to Jane Addams, June 25, 1925



Pittsburgh, Pa., June 25, 1925.

Miss Jane Addams,
#800 So. [Halsted] St.,
Chicago, Illinois.

Dear Miss Addams:

I am in receipt of the following subscriptions to the Barnett Memorial Fellowship:

Ellis Memorial, Boston, $27.00

Henry Booth House, Chicago, 2.00

I also have your check for $5.00 with the enclosed contribution statement, which is made out incorrectly in my name. Will you please correct this?

Yours very truly,

Copy to Mr. A. J. Kennedy.

(Mr. Kennedy -- will you please disregard the last item until I can give you the exact information?)

By Ellen R. Pickman Boston $20 -- Through Mrs Coolidge↓

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