Soren Andrew Mathiasen to Jane Addams, June 20, 1925

Pocono Peoples College

June 20, 1925.

Miss Jane Addams
Hull House, Chicago, Ill.

To Members of the Advisory Committee:

Memorandum About Meeting Held in New York June 3, 1925.

An informal meeting of those of the Advisory Committee near New York suggested the following plans:

That plans be laid at this time for a meeting of the Advisory Committee in October.

That the Board of Directors be enlarged to include the names of Mrs. Gordon Norrie, Mr. Otto T. Mallery and Dr. John Dewey, with perhaps one further addition.

That enough money be raised to carry on a letter campaign for funds, so as to get a broad basis of financial support. The response we have already received from small givers would indicate that such a campaign would be successful.

That a plan be worked out to get Pocono Peoples College scholarships established for employees by department stores, manufacturing plants and other concerns. This plan might be carried out over a three year period, with money for advertising and office. It is hoped to show that Adult Education work of this type can be financially established without being, like the regular colleges, permanently dependent on direct philanthropy. The Committee to work out this plan is Mr. Geo. D. Pratt, Jr., Mr. Clinton Eilenberger, Mr. L. E. Bowman and Mr. S. A. Mathiasen.

The Carnegie Corporation has recently made an investigation of our work which is favorable to us. While no appropriations are as yet being made to Adult Education enterprises, Dr. Keppel was able to help us out very much by turning over a thousand dollars to us, in return for an intensive survey of Adult Education in three communities in which we are working. This survey is to be conducted by an advanced class in Adult Education this summer, which is made possible by the thousand dollars.

S. A. Mathiasen