William Mackintire Salter to Jane Addams, December 19, 1909

107 Irving St.
Cambridge, 19 Dec. '09

Dear [Miss] Addams

It is sweet of you or some one to remember me with your new book -– & I like to think it is you.  I see it turns much on those astray or in danger in our cities -- & the first thing is to understand them, to get into their point of [page 2] view; & I know that is what you do. Sometimes I think there are no good or bad, but only the rightly judged & the misjudged, those decently treated & the mistreated.  I incline to Shaws view of crime & I find to my surprise it is also Nitzsche's <at least in his middle period, with wh. I am now engaged>, to whom I am giving all my time now (in anticipation of lectures I am to give at the University, Chicago, [page 3] in the Spring).

I have heard disquieting things about [Miss] Mary Smith's health –- could you take a moment to tell me about her?  I earnestly hope she is better.

I am so [confined] to my work I see or hear little.  Once we have been to the Zueblins, who seem happy & prosperous. You probably saw Coit yourself -– he addressed the students here very successfully (you perhaps knew he was summoned back to stand [page 4] for parliament). I have heard John Haynes Holmes, a Unitarian minister, who has a touch of the sacred fire -- & just now the [stinking?]  & significant thing is a course of lectures by James Mackage (at Harvard).  "A course of electrical engineering" decidedly socialistic; heard by large numbers of approving students, though rather [surely] scientific in form.

Ever with affectionateness,

Wm. M. Salter

Mrs. Salter sends her love.