Jane Addams to Emil E. Holmes, May 5, 1925

May 5, 1925

My dear Mr. Holmes:

I am sorry that your letter came when I was in Mexico. Hence the reply has been delayed.

I am afraid it will be impossible for me to take up the matter you suggest. It is almost impossible to have a mass meeting for peace in Chicago and we have just held our National Convention here with almost no newspaper publicity although you see our program on Economic Imperialism was a good one.

I am sending your letter and the article on to the National Office to Miss Dorothy Detzer, 1403 H. St. N.W. Washington, D.C., but am not very hopeful for publicity of any sort for our beloved cause.

Thanking you for your kind letter and with regret I am obliged to write such a discouraging reply, I am,

Faithfully yours,
Mr. Emil E. Holmes,
P.O. Box 516
Minneapolis, Minn.