Dear Miss Addams,
I was very happy to get your letter of July 26th from Mount Desert.
About the postal cards, you have overpaid us, as shown by the receipt herewith and I am sending you the 75 postal cards still due to you. I hope this will not be a nuisance.
50 are from a new cliché showing the garden only, and 25 are fresh reprints of the old card, made in France and not so satisfactory as the old one ↑former prints↓.
We have had to take a [illegible] ↑sudden↓ decision and move the Summer School from Varese across the frontier to Lugano on account of the political situation in Italy. The enclosed paragraph from a letter just received suggests something of the situation. This will make our deficit (already inevitable) larger, but it seems the best that we can do.
We are sending you copies of the new Bulletin which we got out as a double number, it certainly looks much better than the last one.
Thank you very much for the address of Miss Lutz. ↑Rio de Janeiro↓
I have just written a long letter to Mrs. [Swanwick] about some of my problems and am sending you a copy herewith. This is certainly not the proper way for me to do, but it saves so much time to forward this copy instead of writing a new letter that I think you will forgive me. I shall be most grateful to have your opinion on all these points. When I wrote the letter I did not know that Miss Sheepshanks was in America. If you are seeing her you may think it well to talk with her ↑of↓ the possibility of her working for us at Geneva either this winter or at some later time. I admire her very much. I think her weak [page 2] side, for our work is her lack of optimism and confidence, but if her health is better she may have recovered from the depression which made things difficult for her at the time she was here.
I am so thankful to have your answers to some of the questions already laid before you in my June letter. It is ↑They are↓ all most satisfactory.
The Executive Committee will meet in Freiburg. I am sorry in many ways about it, but the majority of those who voted are in [favor] of this decision.
About the international courses ↑([illegible] & plans)↓ I cannot write anything until after the Summer School and the Executive Committee meeting.
There is much more that I would like to talk of but I think this will have to do on this very busy day.
Affectionately yours