Dear Lady
I hope you will accept the Lincoln slides from me [although] I am sorry they are not more humanistic, so to speak. Mr Jones evidently made a desperate effort to keep them accurate and authentic. [page 2] However I have used them many times this week [on] different foreign audiences -- the Hungarians this afternoon are my last -- and have been grateful for them.
I meant to write you earlier and [thank?] you for your many kindnesses to me during [page 3] [our] stay in New York. I really stored up enough energy to put me through this week which has been a rushing one. Chicago has never been so pulled together as by this [common] enthusiasm for Lincoln, it has really been quite touching. Mrs Bowen [came in this?] [page 4] morning. I [met] at the station in a driving storm -- it is hard to imagine the spring weather of N.Y. Please give my love to the household, always affectionately yours
Jane Addams.
Feby 14" 1909