Speech to the College Club, November 25, 1921 (excerpts)



Miss Jane Addams Declares That People May Bring Success to Arms Parley.


"Public opinion must be brought to bear upon the armament conference to insure a successful conclusion," declared Miss Jane Addams, well-known social worker and in charge of the Hull House, in Chicago, in an address before the members of the College club, at the new Trinity Episcopal parish house, Friday afternoon.

"Public opinion is now beginning to function in an international way," she said, "and will be one of the things to make this conference successful. When one thinks that if only public opinion had been brought directly to bear at the international conference, in Paris, how different things would be."

Miss Addams, president of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, spoke upon a number of subjects, in which modern women are interested. She touched upon the disarmament conference; the league of nations; the Russian famine situation and other international topics.

International Viewpoint.

She declared that if the United States does not wish to become a part of the league of nations, she has at least started something else through the conference, which is a pledge that she recognizes international obligations. She deplored the fact that this country had rejected the league, and told what, in her opinion, came as a result to the rejection.

Miss Addams stated that she believed whatever good came of the conference in Washington, would be determined very much by public opinion. Never has anything happened in the capital, she said, to bring such an amount of letters, telegrams and persons previous to and following the opening of the conference.

Tells of Suffering.

She described vividly the suffering that is going on in Russia and told how much relief could be given for the $50,000,000 it takes to build one battleship. Ten million persons will die before the next harvest, unless relief is given, she declared, quoting a statement of Herbert Hoover.

"Dr. [Nansen], of Norway, pleaded for an international loan to conduct relief work for the starving people of Europe and was assured of loans from Norway, Sweden and [Czechoslovakia], but none of the other countries would interest themselves in the venture and it fell flat. And one battleship costs $50,000,000.

"A few of us appeared surprised about the program laid down by Mr. Hughes, but it is very advanced and we should be thankful for it. It means a cutting down of the enormous budget of the United States. This money might be used for other things. Austria owes the United States $25,000,000 at the present time. Another $25,000,000 would put her on her feet or even restore her."

Miss Addams told of attending an international meeting concerning titled Russian refugees who could not return to their native land and were not wanted elsewhere. It was finally decided to give them travelers' passes, which allowed them to cross the border where many emigrated to Brazil, South America, which country is now the open gateway for foreigners, she declared.

Describes Relief Work.

The speaker told of the splendid work that the American and English Red Cross and the American Quakers are doing along the line of relief work in the Russian and Polish district. The clinics and hospitals in this region are under the direction of an international body, however, she declared, because this creates more confidence than if one country alone was doing the work.

Miss Addams was brought here by the literary department of the College club, of which Mrs. Arthur Parry is chairman. Mrs. Chester Lane, president of the club, opened the meeting with a few remarks. David Erwin, baritone, sang three numbers, "Invictus," by Huhn; "Mother Mine," by Tours, and "Sanctuary," by La Forge. Emil R. Verweire accompanied at the piano.