Alice Thatcher Post to Jane Addams, December 14, 1924


December 14, 1924.

Dear Miss Addams:

In your letter of nearly two weeks ago you speak of the long hard road of the Congress Report expenses, and imply that I had a hand in it. But this was not the case. You and Miss Balch carried all of the burden, and indeed it was a burden. My work was simply a routine editorial job, to be done by a routine technique. Raising money is vastly more difficult, and I am not in a class with you and Miss Balch.

I am enclosing herewith the following final material in connection with the above editorial job:

↑1.↓ Receipts of the W.I.L. Congress Report Fund.

↑2.↓ Expenditures of [the W.I.L. Congress Report Fund.]

↑3.↓ Distribution of the Report of the W.I.L. Congress at Washington, May, 1924. (On two pages.)

↑4.↓ Letter to Miss [Glücklich] (carbon) in regard to the distribution.

↑5.↓ Report on the disposition of the Material of the Congress Report.

I suppose that if you have to report on the Congress Report at the next Congress this material listed above and enclosed in this letter will be important to you.

I do not suppose that any report from me to the next Congress will be necessary.

I am reporting herewith to you as President of the Congress, which I presume is enough.

Faithfully and affectionately yours,

Alice Thatcher Post [signed]