Plain People Must First Be Convinced It Is Tangible Thing, She Says.
{Special. Copyrighted, Chicago Tribune}
London. Sept. 16 -- Jane Addams, who has just arrived in London after a tour of the Continent, speaking at Toynbee Hall Settlement, in the East End of London, predicted that the United States will eventually join the League of Nations.
"The great thing just now," she said, "is that Dr. Nansen be sent to Russia as the representative of the League. Then the plain people of America -- the Abraham Lincolns -- the plain people, will realize that the League is a tangible thing."
Sir Philip Gibbs also spoke, pointing out that W. [T. Stead], the famous London editor, called Jane Addams "the greatest woman in the world."
Miss Addams will preside Friday at a conference of the representatives of settlements in the United Kingdom, at which she hopes to form an international federation of settlements, believing that such an organization will help to build up internationalism.
Miss Addams will sail from England for New York next Wednesday.