My dear Miss Addams:
The enclosed suggestions bear on the study of races.
The volume which I suggest in the beginning is a work I should like to do. I believe I have now the standpoint to do this in a very efficient and somewhat authoritative way.
As you are thinking of these questions, I send under separate cover two mimeographed schedules of study which I prepared, in connection with Dr. Park, when we were working together with Allen Burns. Also a printed schedule which I prepared a number of years ago. The latter is not just what I would prepare at present but contains some points which may interest you.
If what I am sending is not detailed enough, or if you wish the scheme to take another direction, please let me know and I will work out something else.
Harriet joins me in best wishes.
Very sincerely yours,
W I Thomas. [signed]
I find that the copy of the printed schedule which I send is mutilated, but I have not another copy in Chicago↓