Emily Greene Balch to Samuel Colcord, May 21, 1924


May 21, 1924.

Mr. Samuel Colcord
305 -- W. 113th Street
New York City.

Dear Sir:

Your very interesting letter of May 10th addressed to Miss Addams has been handed to me for reply as Miss Addams is overwhelmed with business growing out of our Summer School now in session in Chicago.

The aspect of the World Court problem that you present is very interesting and important. At the Annual Meeting of the Section for the United States of the Women's International League a resolution was passed to urge the Foreign Relations Committee to make at once a favorable report upon the proposal of President Harding in February, 1923 regarding our entrance into the Permanent Court of International Justice. I wish that we had had your [letter] before us at that time. It might have been better to save ↑shape↓ our expression specifically as a [recognition] of President Coolidge's position and an endorsement of it. The National Board has another meeting on June 14th and the matter can come up again then, if it is not too late to be appropriate.

We shall be glad to be informed at any time of anything that occurs to you in this connection, as we are, of course, most eager to see the United States move forward as fast as possible toward world organization ↑for peace↓.

Very truly,