Jane Addams to Amy Woods, February 29, 1924


February 29, 1924

My dear Miss Woods:

Mrs. Harriet P. Thomas, the wife, as you know, of Professor Thomas who was one of our very first organizers, has been in Chicago for the winter taking care of a son who has had an operation. He is in the Consular service and is about to return to Japan and she therefore has some free time. She has offered to come as a volunteer to Washington if you want her. I think she would be a wonderful help, both for speaking, making arrangements in regard to rooms, etc. She at one time had a list of cheaper places for the delegates to live in Washington, and in many ways would be a great acquisition. I [do] not think her strong point would be office work although she would do that creditably. If you say the word, I will urge her to come. She is a Southern woman by birth and she is a very persuasive speaker. I think, however, that you know her yourself.

The addressed envelopes have not yet come. We have our material all ready. We are going to put into each one with the letter and card one of the [enclosed] circulars. It will be a little easier if they are raising money for them to have this later information and I agree with Miss Boynton that this is more persuasive than the second one. At any rate, they are on hand and available and the whole thing can be covered by two cents.

I am sending you a copy of the mimeographed letter which I think looks fairly well.

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams [signed]