We do note today, however, that a protest has been [drawn] up, without the knowledge of any Jew, and signed by the leading men of the land, including President Wilson, Mr. Taft, Cardinal O'Connell, Lyman Abbott, Jane Addams, Secretary Baker, Harry F. Ward, Albert J. [Beveridge], Hamilton Holt, Archbishop Hayes, Edwin Markham, many university presidents, jurists and ecclesiastics. It exhorts particularly those who are "[molders] of public opinion -- the clergy and ministers of all Christian churches, publicists, teachers, editors and statesmen -- to strike at this un-American and Un-American agitation.
"We regret exceedingly," the protest says, "the publication of a number of books, [pamphlets] and newspaper articles designed to foster distrust and suspicion of our fellow-citizens of Jewish ancestry and faith -- distrust and suspicion of their loyalty and their patriotism."